Bento Natura

Assistant Professor | Columbia University.


304 Mudd, 500 W 120th St

New York, NY 10027

I am an Assistant Professor in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IEOR) at Columbia University.

From 2022 to 2024 I spent two years as a Postdoctoral Researcher at Georgia Tech. In Fall 2023, I was a PostDoc at the Simons Institute at UC Berkeley for a program in Data Structures and Optimization for Fast Algorithms. In Spring 2023, I was a PostDoc at ICERM at Brown University for a program in Discrete Optimization.

I received my PhD in the Department of Mathematics at the London School of Economics under the supervision of László Végh, funded by his ERC grant ScaleOpt.

I also hold a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Mathematics from the University of Bonn, where I was supervised by Stephan Held and Jens Vygen.

My current research interests are focused on the areas of algorithms, optimization, and game theory.


Jul 2024 I have moved to New York to begin a tenure-track position in IEOR at Columbia University.
Feb 2024 Our paper A strongly polynomial algorithm for linear programs with at most two non-zero entries per row or column got accepted to STOC 2024.
Jan 2024 I am going to serve on the Program Committee of SODA 2025.
Oct 2023 Announced Runner-Up for The Doctoral Award of The Operational Research Society(UK).
Jul 2023 I received the PhD Prize of the Department of Mathematics at LSE.
Feb 2023 I am going to be a long-term participant in Fall 2023 for the Simons Institute program in Data Structures and Optimization for Fast Algorithms.
Feb 2023 I joined ICERM at Brown University for the Spring 2023 term for the program in Discrete Optimization.
Nov 2022 Together with Daniel Dadush we give a mini-symposium On the Role of Circuits in Linear Programming at the SIAM Conference on Optimization (OP23).
Oct 2022 I started a ARC Postdoctoral Fellow position at Georgia Tech, affiliated with ISyE and the College of Computing.
Sep 2022 I passed my PhD Viva with a Thesis titled Exact Linear Programming: Circuits, Curvature, and Diameter.


Nov 2024 Workshop on Combinatorial Optimization in Oberwolfach.
Oct 2024 Symposium Discrete Mathematics at TU Berlin.
Sep 2024 FDS Seminar at Yale.
Sep 2024 Tutte Colloquium at the University of Waterloo.
Aug 2024 Reunion for program Discrete Optimization: Mathematics, Algorithms, and Computation at ICERM.
Jul 2024 ISMP 2024 in Montréal, Canada.
Jun 2024 STOC 2024 in Vancouver, Canada.

Selected Works

  1. A strongly polynomial algorithm for linear programs with at most two non-zero entries per row or column
  1. Interior point methods are not worse than Simplex
  2. A Scaling-Invariant Algorithm for Linear Programming Whose Running Time Depends Only on the Constraint Matrix
    Daniel DadushSophie Huiberts Bento Natura , and László A. Végh